Yes, I mean you…the person reading my blog! Are you ready to become part of this world, my world, our son’s world, our family’s world, the world of any family who have a child with a disability?
This has been my world since my son was about 12 months old, when the realisation hit us that he was different from the other kids. Of course that didn’t take away the fact that he was completely amazing in every way and we loved him completely. As the months flowed on, the ‘differences’ became more apparent until the time came when we knew that we needed to speak with ‘somebody’, meaning a doctor who was most likely going to give our baby some kind of label.
I thought I was ready for it, but alas, no, I wasn’t ready at all. My first-born son was three years old and a paediatrician told me that he had a ‘pervasive and lifelong developmental disorder’ called autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
I cried in her office, I cried in the car, I cried in my kitchen, I cried when I woke up each morning and often cried myself to sleep. I gave myself one week to absorb, then I knew I had to get my ‘game face’ on. Seven-and-a-half years later, I have finally discovered my ‘game face’. I have had two more children since then, moved interstate, completed a Masters degree in Autism Studies and reignited a love for my profession as a primary school teacher.
Here I am, ready for my next chapter.
Welcome to my world, a world in which as a mother I could so often cry, but mostly I laugh. A world in which I could so easily stay hidden inside, but mostly I get out and about. A world in which I sometimes have to fight for my son’s place, but I do so with grace.
My blog will be a place to get immersed in the myriad facets of the complex world of ASD, parenting, schooling, inclusion, research, personal stories and friends’ stories.
Hopefully we can start a new chapter where parents can look to my site for guidance, comfort, support and camaraderie, and with luck will leave my site with their ‘game face’ on!
I ask again, are you ready for this? I am. Here we go!