Being a parent of a child on the autism spectrum brings with it so many highs and lows. The lows include the hours of early intervention therapy, the hours of trying to implement the therapy, the constant worry that you aren’t doing the ‘right thing’ and the constant desire just to love your little person the way they are.

It is tiring, that’s for sure, but it is definitely not all bad. The small victories that come your child’s way in the form of a new word, a new skill or just simply being able to visit a new place fill your mind and heart with joy. There is nothing sweeter than seeing your child work at a skill for years then, one day, do it independently.

Giving yourself time to relish in the goals that your little (or big) person has kicked is a fantastic way to keep the motivation high.

I would love to hear the stories of the little (or big) things that your child has done recently. I’ll start, my 14 year old independently spread butter and vegemite on his toast for the first time last week. There was nothing short of a massive celebration in our home, it was truly brilliant. Your turn……

Looking for inspiration? Check out our ‘Teaching My Child a New Skill’ template to get your started on the right track.

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