The team at Mummel Road are patient advocates for individuals with disabilities. Our aim is to reduce barriers to inclusion and equality and increase opportunities in learning, community and workplaces. Maitland Urban Farm Grown by Mummel Road offers children with autism spectrum disorder the opportunity to grow and sell fresh produce at a local market. How good is that!! Keen to learn more, keep an eye on our social page @mummelroad
Applied Behaviour Analysis is a term the refers to the analytical process that is applied to an individual’s behaviour. The process aims to isolate a specific behaviour and determine why the behaviour is occurring and how the individual could be supported to learn a new behaviour.
At Mummel Road, we take a person-centred approach whereby we build a rapport with the individual to find out when they are the most comfortable, content and ready to engage with their environment. After getting the know an individual, we can begin to piece together why they find some environments or activities difficult. Emily can offer practical and evidence-based ideas to help the individual feel more comfortable and engaged more often during their day.
Emily and the team at Phoenix Park Farm are collaborating to offer horticultural classes for children with autism spectrum disorder, oppositional defiance disorder, attention deficit disorder along with learning difficulties. The classes are designed to offer our a pathway for all children to become Future Farmers. Keep an eye on our social pages for updates and information on this collaboration.
Children with ASD may not develop skills in the same order as typically developing children. During their childhood development, children with ASD face challenges than can affect their learning and development. Individuals can find it hard to pay attention to others, understand other perspectives, communicate and see the big picture. Understanding your child’s areas of strengths and challenges, you can find the best ways to help your child learn. If you are concerned about your child’s development or would like to discuss how you can gain a better understanding of your child’s learning and behaviour, please contact Emily.
- American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th edn) [DSM-5]. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing
- O’Reilly, B., & Wicks, K. (2016). The Complete Autism Handbook: The essential resource guide for autism spectrum disorder in Australia and New Zealand. Sydney: Ventura Press
Children who are given a diagnosis of Attention Deficit and Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), might have more trouble than their peers with thinking, learning, expressing feelings or controlling behaviour. This is a result of the parts of their brain not effectively talking to each other as happens with typically developing brains.
There are 3 different types of ADHD and each has its unique attributes: ADHD combined type, ADHD inattentive type, ADHD hyperactive/impulsive type. Health professionals will consider a number of factors to determine whether your child as ADHD and if so, which type. It is important to get the appropriate support for any developmental or behavioural concerns that your child may be demonstrating. If you require further information, please contact Emily or speak with your GP.
- American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edn) [DSM-5]. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing
- National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (2018). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Diagnosis and management. London: NICE. Retrieved 8 August 2019 from
Full Professional Accreditation with the DEAI
Mummel Road is a member of the Developmental Educators Australia Inc.